Fast track to creating a space that works for you
Get the definitive, quick start guide to rapidly changing the trajectory of your well-being.
Complete at your own pace
You will have full access to the entire course library. You can take it one room at a time or do it all in one weekend. It’s completely up to you.
Personalized assessment of your space
Learn how and why your space is and is not serving you.
Personalized Feng Shui cheat sheet
Upon completion, you will have a customized Feng Shui cheat sheet for your space. It will include all the key takeaways for your space, at your fingertips.
Clear step-by-step instructions
I’ll show you how to activate the positive energies and remedy the negative energies.
Private community support
Join others in our private community to share your wins and insights.
Have an odd layout? I bet someone in the community shares your predicament.
Want to apply proper feng shui & get results?
This program will help you implement classical feng shui tailored to you and your space. You will be guided step by step through the entire process. After everything is done, you can sit back and let life unfold to support you.
Whether you are a homeowner looking for change, a business owner looking for results, or a feng shui novice looking for inspiration, you’re in the right place.
Join the Facebook community for peer support and share your results with others.
Learn what is important to include and exclude in your floor plan
Learn how to demarcate your space into different directions so you know exactly where your trouble areas are to remedy. Not all of us have perfectly square or rectangular spaces, so in this module I will show you different tricky scenarios and how to handle them.
Compass direction is one of the most important pieces of information to get right. In this module, I will show you the many nuances to determining your facing directions.
Everyone has a unique direction for their money bowl placement. In this module, I will show you where you should place your money bowl.
I spend the first few modules walking you through how to get accurate foundational information about your space (i.e., floor plan, compass direction). Then you will submit that information to me so I can create an customized feng shui energetic blueprint specifically for your space.
Yes, I will explain how to apply your feng shui energetic blueprint to the different floors.
There is a private Facebook community page where you can post all your questions. However, if your question is private (i.e. relating to your location), you can email me directly.